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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

Seven for Sunday

As I’m currently away in LA with my actual real job and I haven’t had a lot of time to do a ‘proper’ blog post, I thought I would do a quick ‘Seven things I’d like to buy right now’ post to fill the gap. I’m sorry not to do a full blog post with all the nice outfit ideas, but this week I just haven’t had much spare time.

A lot of people do ask me how I find time to work a full-time job, look after 2 kids and do the blog and the Instagram. Truth is, it’s not always easy and sometimes things fall down the cracks. Children sometimes go to school in dirty shirts and I can’t remember the last time I hoovered any surface in our house. Luckily I have an excellent cleaner and a pretty decent husband. Sometimes I wonder who I would miss more if they left… That is joke. The answer is obviously the cleaner…

But seriously,  I love my husband. He takes a lot of shit and never gets cross. It’s a Canadian thing I think.. I also really enjoy my day job (Hello being in LA for work with Michale Bublé, another upstanding Canadian citizen) and I really enjoy writing this blog as it gives me a creative outlet for my love of fashion and shopping. It also gives me an excellent excuse to buy new things. I love the interaction I get on Instagram. I’ve met a load of people since I’ve been doing this that I would never have met  otherwise and if I can continue doing it, then I will for as long as I can.

I obviously do spend a lot of my money on clothes (hence the name) but I also try and operate on a ‘one in, one out’ policy when it come to my wardrobe. I watched the Stacy Dooley programme last week  on the impact the fashion industry has on the environment and I do hope that by selling my clothes on to someone else who can enjoy them that I am in some way not exacerbating the problem. This coming week Preloved Designer Sale will be helping me sell a few things via a flash sale on Instagram. This will both enable me to free-up space in my wardrobe for new things and I will be giving the profits of this sale to Stand Up To Cancer, as that is part o the reason I am in LA this week. Please have a look on Thursday and know that you might get a bargain and also give some money to a very worth cause too.

Now let’s take a look at the seven new things that I would like to fill my wardrobe with…


Is this the one that I finally buy? those of you who have followed this blog for a while will know that I have been fruitlessly searching for the perfect winter Fairisle jumper. Could this be it?


I know, we probably don’t need any more boots, but these have silver toes, are sort of crocodile and they are flat, so practical too. What’s not to like?


Is it really hand-knitted? Did someone’s nana get paid by Topshop to make this jumper? That I cannot tell you, and if Topshop tell me it is hand-knitted, then I am fully prepared to believe them. It’s also a lovely colour. So that helps.


No, I don’t need any more things with bees on, or any more Gucci shoes. But, I still fondle these shoes if I’m ever in a shop that sells them. I last stroked them at the airport last week, but I walked away…


I’m thinking, this blazer with these jeans, a decent pair of boots and a chunky knit would work a treat before it gets too cold. It’s quite ‘Hoo-ray, we’re off the Hunter-Smyths for a jolly nice Sunday roast and lashings of lovely red wine’, don’t you think?


You know how much I love a loose-fitting sack dress. It’s just the perfect thing for days when you don’t want to think to much. And you want to eat a lot. This one from & Other Stories is ideal.


I definitely do not need another winter coat. BUT if I did, I would go for this one from M&S. I cannot stress enough how good M&S are at coats. They do them so well.

Sorry this post has been quite random. Normal service will be resolved next week.

K x

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