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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

Skater Girl

I’m currently on holiday in Vancouver, if you follow me on Instagram, you’re probably sick of it already, but get used to it as we’re here for another 2 weeks! Here in West Vancouver, it’s very pretty and incredibly polite. People stop to let you cross the road instead of actively trying to mow you down. It’s almost compulsory to say hello to every person you pass in the street, and people talk to you when you’re on the bus, and not just the crazy people. As soon as you walk into a shop you are complimented on your outfit and whatever you buy is ’ ”such a great choice, I love it and it will look amazing on you” (great sales technique, I’m a sucker for compliment)

There are also 3 defining sets of people here that I’ve noticed;

  1. Outdoorsy old people clad head to toe in drip-dry fabrics, never without a zip-up fleece and an emergency penknife. I count my In-laws in this group.
  2. Sporty people, running or cycling everywhere encased in skintight Lycra from Lululemon (everyone here wears Lululemon, and not just for yoga, for all day everyday)
  3. Skate kids, who fearlessly ride their longboards down steep streets without fear of being run over or ending up in the sea. They are the coolest in their Vans and their Stussy T shirts.

As I am allergic to lycra and most physical activity and I’m just not ready to sport a half zip fleece in public, I’ll take my cues from the skater kids. I’m not talking board shorts and baseball caps, but there’s nothing wrong with a pair of  skate shoes and a decent sweatshirt, of which I have many, this is the kind of look I’m talking about…

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Yes, I know I’m not pushing any boundaries here or even suggesting anything you don’t already own, but sometimes less is more right? ‘Although that is a complete lie and you can always have more of the same,  because it’s a tiny bit different to the one you already have and you NEED it. Plus you can’t put a price on comfort can you? I’ve found some nice comfy sweatshirts and skate shoes that won’t give you blisters…

Until next time, hang ten dudes…did I really just write that. I apologize. I’ll have a word with myself. I’ve never been near a skateboard or a surfboard in my life, and that’s not changing any time soon.

k x

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