Behold! Rejoice! (add more exciting adjectives here) It’s the END of January. A month that feels longer than the walk from the bed to the corner shop on a wet Sunday morning with a hangover. Now that it’s over I feel we can welcome the new season with open arms. For me that means a little bit of a wardrobe refresh. I know we are still a long way off spring, but I’m looking at a few things that will work now and also when the weather gets a bit warmer.
To that end, I thought I’d do a little Zara edit for us to look at. I must admit I have already made a couple of purchases from this already. I got these shoes to wear with loose fitting jeans now and with a skirt and ankle socks when it’s a little less cold. I also couldn’t resist this jacket in burgundy, I can confirm that it does actually look very suede-like in the flesh. I’m also quite taken with this shirt and this cute leopard scarf to wear with a simple grey sweater.
Here’s more of my Zara picks. Enjoy.