I mean, you obviously don’t need to buy anything in the sales. Save your money, go to the pub, take in a show, put it towards your next holiday. BUT if you do have a summer sales itch you want to scratch, here are 77 items I think are actually good. Not those things that are in the dregs of the sales, the things you buy because you can’t resist a bargain only for them to sit in the back of the wardrobe never to be worn.
My top picks from the items I have chosen are Grenson Loafers — always classic and a fine upstanding British company. See also Barbour jackets, if you can get one in the summer sales, even better as you will not regret come that rainy dog walk in October. Trainers, always, you know me, I can’t resist trainers. These ones from Nike are now in my possession and I have zero regrets.
Here are some more of my sales picks: