Where are we going?
When are we doing it?
Pretty much for the rest of this month to be honest.
It’s cold, it’s dark, no-one has any money, that means it’s time to stay inside, and watch some good telly. I just finished the entire 7 seasons of Mad Man on Netflix and now I am mourning the loss of Roger, yes Roger, you can keep Don Draper, Roger Stirling is MY guy. We should all ‘Be More like Roger’. I know I’m about 10 years too late to the party, but how good was that show? It’s up there with Breaking Bad and The Sopranos in the category of best TV ever. Best Documentary of last year being, of course, the Bros film ‘After The Screaming Stops’. If you follow my Instagram you will already know my feelings on how good this is. If you haven’t seen it, get on the BBC iplayer RIGHT NOW!
But I’m not here to talk about TV, although I could happily talk about it for hours on end, I’m here to talk about clothes. More specifically this week as we are not going out, I’m here to talk about loungewear. Not the baggy joggers and sweatshirt with holes in kind of lounge wear, but something cosy, warm and acceptable to leave the house in if you absolutely have to. What you need mostly is Chunky Sweaters, Decent Joggers, Slippers, Trainers and Cashmere. Cashmere is the ultimate loungewear fabric. It’s super warm and super soft and super cosy. It’s also not cheap, but there are bargains to be had and the high comfort factor is worth paying for. So, let’s start with that…

As I say, this time of year is the best for hunting down discounts on Cashmere. But if money is tight and you’ve discovered that the moths ate your favourite jumper for dinner then maybe try this company Love Cashmere Care Service. A friend of mine sent her beloved cashmere Sweater to them and it came back as good as new all packaged up neatly, for only £29. The ultimate in luxury lounging is cashmere joggers. Once you’ve tried them you will never go back, if you can find them at a discount then go for it! I have a pair I got for a steal at a Bella Freud sample sale last year and I live in them when I am at home.

- Jumper 1234 Cashmere Paradise Jumper (on sale)
- H&M Blue Premium Quality Cashmere Jumper
- The Outnet Autumn Cashmere Feminist Sweater
- Cos Green High Neck Cashmere Jumper
- Orwell & Austen Navy Logo Cashmere Jumper (on sale)
- Boden Cashmere Rainbow Stripe Jumper (on sale)

By ‘Decent Joggers’ I mean ones that are acceptable to leave the house in. No saggy arses here. ME+EM do the best smart loungewear trousers. You could quite happily even go to work in these and no-one would bat an eyelid. Talking of work, My office is in Kensington, good celeb spotting territory, and I am forever finding myself on the high street or in the queue at Boots behind Howard from Take That. Now, theres a man who’s not afraid of a pair of saggy arsed joggers on his days off…

- Isabel Marant Green Side Stripe Joggers (on sale)
- ME + EM Luxe Satin Side Stripe Joggers (on sale)
- Baukjen Relaxed Jay Pants (on sale)
- Arket Wide Leg Stripe Merino Trousers

If you’re going for full on at-home contentment then you need sheepskin slippers, or even better sheepskin lined Birkenstocks. I LOVE Birkenstocks in the summer, they are my go-to sandal and have been for years. Who cares if they are ugly. Embrace it. When I found out (only last week! where have I been?) that they do winter ones, I was straight onto Amazon Prime to order a pair. They are seriously the most comfortable items of footwear ever made. I would have no shame leaving the house in them either, and I’d wear with socks. If you want a more substantial shoe, then you need trainers. Air and Grace are renowned for their comfort factor and of course, I swear by my beloved Nike Air Max.

- Tan Birkenstock Fleece Lined Arizona Sandals (on sale)
- Black Birkenstock Fleece Lined Arizona Sandals (on sale)
- Just Sheepskin Sliders (on sale)
- Air and Grace Alto Glitter High Tops
- Nike Air Max One Navy, Red and White (on sale)
- Boden Rainbow Striped Trainers
- Air and Grace Spotted Cru Trainers

What I love to wear at this time of year are chunky sweaters. Ideally with a good high neck to keep out the drafts from our single glazed windows. Every year I ask the kids, ‘Would you rather get double glazing or go on holiday?’ we all know the right answer to this question, so we wear chunky jumpers inside the house and spend the cash on flights to other countries. Also, I should take this moment to touch on Bras. They are a necessary pain right? well, no, as I have found the solution to this. A Bralet. No underwires, no annoying clasps that dig into your back, and a surprising amount of support. I get mine from M&S, obviously.

- & Other Stories High Neck Varsity Style Sweater
- ME+EM Curved Hem Raglan Jumper
- ME + EM Zig Zag Detachable Roll Neck Jumper
- La Redoute Chunky Wool Blend Cable Sweater
- Cos Raised Neck Chunky Knit Jumper
I never even got around to covering sweatshirts, scarves and socks, maybe next time!. Now I’m off to find my next Netflix binge watch. or maybe I should actually just read a book…Any suggestions?
K x