I don’t care that my children are embarrassed of me, I don’t care that my husband thinks I’m off to fix a boiler, I don’t care about the fashion law that states ‘If you wore them the first time, you are too old’. I bloody love my dungarees, and this time around I’m not a spotty 17 year old raver wearing baggy green ones with lilac Kickers, a home-made purple tie-dye T‑shirt and a jaunty velvet patchwork cap. Thank god the internet wasn’t available in 1990…

When I jumped on the all-in-one band-wagon about 18 months ago, it was with some trepidation. My eldest son did actually refuse to be seen with me when I first started wearing them. I quote; “What on earth are you wearing? That is not your style, you are an old woman, not a girl, you need to wear long skirts and animal tops”, but I don’t give a stuff what he thinks and I embrace all and any ridicule.
Barely a weekend goes by without the comfort blanket of dungarees, I like the feeling of being strapped into a utility piece of clothing. Where there is no fear of a top riding up to reveal the mum-tum, or a trouser riding down to reveal a builders bum. I eliminate all risk of a husband or child rolling a penny down my exposed crack when I’m cleaning out the cupboard under the sink. Yes, this has been a common occurrence in our house (I may have been fibbing about cleaning the cupboards though…) I am free to climb a tree, roll down a hill, or do a headstand if the mood took me. I have even worked out a way to go to the loo without dropping one of your straps into the toilet. I did that once at a festival (pre-flush), it was not pleasant. What you need to do is keep the straps attached, just slip them over your shoulders then you don’t run the risk of them being covered in piss. Live and learn.
I also think, and this is a little controversial, that you can wear them out of an evening or to a nice lunch. I’ve even worn mine to work on numerous occasions. My tip is black for smart, blue for casual. Let’s start with blue for casual, pair with a stripy t ‑shirt and white trainers and you are good to go. Topshop have the best dungarees out there at the moment I think, and I love their trainers with the stars on too..
For smarts, go for slim fitting black ones, pair with Gucci shoes, or cheaper knock-off alternatives (obvs) and a fancy black top underneath. I know I always bang on about Gucci shoes, but I am telling you those classic flat loafers will owe you nothing. They are hands-down the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned (like slippers), they go with everything, and, as they’ve been sold for decades, one assumes they will never really go out of fashion. Here are some ideas…
I hope this proves that wearing dungarees does not have to make you look either like Mr Tumble or Sandi Toksvig. Come join me in a world of comfort, safety and style.
K x