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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

Yesterday. In the rain. Seconds later we nearly got mown down by a DPD driver. Oh, the irony . . . Coat [gift] @officialfind Bag [gift] @pannyyofficial Trousers [yes, leather!] @johnlewisandpartners Trainers [fashion victim] @gucci

Yesterday. In the rain. Seconds later we nearly got mown down by a DPD driver. Oh, the irony
Coat [gift] @officialfind 
Bag [gift] @pannyyofficial 
Trousers [yes, leather!] @johnlewisandpartners 
Trainers [fashion victim] @gucci

Instagram filter used: Skyline

Photo taken at: Kensington, United Kingdom

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Had a lovely morning at @coaldropsyard with @notesbyastylist working on her shopping guide. I sniffed a lot of shoes (it’s the smell of fresh leather, I can’t get enough of it) and played the ‘point out how many issues of The Face I had’ game . . . Jacket [on sale, will link on stories] @boden_clothing Jumper [old] @uniqlo_uk Trousers [last year] @cosstores Bag [gift] @carloelondon Boots [gift] @grensonshoes

March 1st, 2019

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My friend @thingsthatmakeyougoooh bought me these socks for no reason other than she thought they looked a bit Gucci. Obvs I am wearing them with the real thing because I’m a matchy matchy idiot

February 28th, 2019

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