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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

Throwback Thursday to the time Edward got a job at 6 Music. Unfortunately his lack of knowledge of minor indie bands from the mid 90s meant he didn’t last long

Throwback Thursday to the time Edward got a job at 6 Music. Unfortunately his lack of knowledge of minor indie bands from the mid 90s meant he didn’t last long.
#tbt #radio #6music #edward #reporter #bbc6music #dj #festival #love

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Double Denim Day. I like the way the dry shampoo gives the illusion that my hair is not only clean, but the white powdery substance also makes it look blonder

July 20th, 2017

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Yes I went double Gucci today. I’m also glad I had the foresight to bring auxiliary bag as I had to buy presents for teachers and a pack of 220 self-filling water balloons (don’t ask). Topping today off with a decent dinner out

July 19th, 2017

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