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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

There’s nothing quite like being awoken at 5.45am to the sounds of your cat gnawing on its own arse, inches from your face. Really sets you up for the day. It did give me free time to write a quick blog post about the things I have bought recently. So, again, every cloud

There’s nothing quite like being awoken at 5.45am to the sounds of your cat gnawing on its own arse, inches from your face. Really sets you up for the day. It did give me free time to write a quick blog post about the things I have bought recently. So, again, every cloud. #newblogpost #linkinbio #wearsmymoney .
#catsareassholes #earlymornings #wiw #ootd #fblogger #fashionblogger #shopping #shinynewthings #recommended #veja #otherstories #jcrew #gucci #guccibag #topshop

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The world may be going to hell in a hand-basket, but there’s nothing like good bit of British graffiti smut to cheer you up

June 7th, 2017

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Wearing canvas shoes this morning wasn’t one of my better ideas, but the sun has appeared so now I don’t feel so foolish. Literally

June 6th, 2017

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