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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

My jumper says ‘Everyday Is Like Sunday’. That’s not strictly true, apart from Bank Holiday Monday’s which are exactly like Sunday’s. Especially when they contain a good lunch out followed by a decent sofa nap . . . Jacket @setfashion from @blackwhitedenim Jumper [on sale, will link on stories] @joanieclothing Trousers [old] @topshop Bag [gift] @carloelondon Shoes [classics] @vansgirls

My jumper says ‘Everyday Is Like Sunday’. That’s not strictly true, apart from Bank Holiday Monday’s which are exactly like Sunday’s. Especially when they contain a good lunch out followed by a decent sofa nap .
Jacket @setfashion from @blackwhitedenim 
Jumper [on sale, will link on stories] @joanieclothing 
Trousers [old] @topshop 
Bag [gift] @carloelondon 
Shoes [classics] @vansgirls

Instagram filter used: Skyline

Photo taken at: Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery

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I just thought my new @hillandfriends bag deserved a full outing. I bought it because it’s got a happy face, and because it was half price, but mostly because it smiled at me . . . Coat [ad/gift] @johnlewisandpartners Bag [now on sale] @hillandfriends Jeans [wedgie style] @levis Shoes [classics] @gucci

May 7th, 2019

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⚡️NEW BLOG POST⚡️ Dressing for posh ‘do’s’ isn’t my forte, so today’s blog post is as much for me as it is for you. Hopefully there are some ideas here for all your social occasion needs! Let me know what you think. Link in profile and on stories to read

May 5th, 2019

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