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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

I thought today marked 20 years of working in my job. Turns out I got the date wrong and it’s actually next week. But what’s 10 days out of 7300 between friends? I started at what was EMI records in 1999, that got sold and folded into Parlophone Records, which was in turn bought by Warner Music. I’m not sure if I should be proud I’ve managed to cling on for so long, or concerned that I never felt the urge to leave. But, oh the stories I could tell

I thought today marked 20 years of working in my job. Turns out I got the date wrong and it’s actually next week. But what’s 10 days out of 7300 between friends? I started at what was EMI records in 1999, that got sold and folded into Parlophone Records, which was in turn bought by Warner Music. I’m not sure if I should be proud I’ve managed to cling on for so long, or concerned that I never felt the urge to leave. But, oh the stories I could tell

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Photo taken at: Warner Music Group

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I came home from work and made a wall for Edwards English homework. (Don’t ask). It’s pretty good, but not a patch on his (MY) year 5 Anderson Shelter. That was my Magnum Opus. In other news I wore last years @ganni dress and I still love it . . . Dress [last years] @ganni Sunglasses @izipizi Bag @gucci Trainers [last year sale] @stellamccartney

July 10th, 2019

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Mondays deserve fun and sunshine. Unfortunately life isn’t perfect, so an Orange wall and clown shoes will have to suffice instead . . . T Shirt [gift] @keeper_tees Jeans @riverisland Bag [gift] @saywhatyouc Trainers @balenciaga

July 8th, 2019

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