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I spent it all on clothes by the looks of things...

Moody pre-teen says I’m not allowed to take this t‑shirt on holiday with me because I’ll look like a tourist. Just wait till we get there and I’m walking around town wearing a hat in the shape of the Empire State Building

Moody pre-teen says I’m not allowed to take this t‑shirt on holiday with me because I’ll look like a tourist. Just wait till we get there and I’m walking around town wearing a hat in the shape of the Empire State Building…#embarrassingkidsisfun .
#pinbadges #iheartnyc #tshirt #leatherjacket #wiwt #ootd #meresoeur #mumlife #lovebutton #instastyle #love #truerocks #safetypin #buttonbadge #didimentionimgoingtonewyork

London, United Kingdom

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Procrastinating again. But frankly I’d rather spend an hour looking at people I don’t know on the internet than putting the washing away and packing children’s suitcases. New super soft @mosmoshjeans had to be put on right away though. Thanks so much to Lucy @the_brand_ambassadors_agency for the recommendation

July 31st, 2017

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⚡️NEW BLOG POST⚡️Start spreading the news, I’m leaving today...well, Tuesday actually but who’s counting? Yes, we’re off to New York next week so this week’s blog post is a purely selfish visual guide to help me pack. If anyone has any tips for us in NYC, Boston or Cape Cod please do let me know

July 30th, 2017

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